Pablo Gracia offers PR agency services in Spain, digital PR, Spanish public relations, SEO, quality backlinks and other digital marketing actions.
The method is unique and focuses on creating content that is useful for the media.
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PR Agency Case Studies
If you’ve ever wondered why your communication efforts don’t get coverage, you’ll find the answer in this article.
News sites look for content that’s useful to them. If it’s not useful, they won’t want it or publish it.
This first example made it to the front page of ABC de Sevilla. Take a look:

As you can see, the article mentions as the author of an independent analysis.
The results exceeded 100 press mentions across Spain and more than 35 white hat organic backlinks.

Below, I’ll show you other examples for some of my clients.
What I did was compare the data of the young population from 1998 with that of 2023 to find out which towns had gained or lost young people.
I was even contacted by several radio stations and TV networks.
This happened because the content is useful for the media.
Look, this next example was done for a mechanical expert website:

Since it was International Women’s Day, I came up with the idea to analyze the evolution of driver’s licenses issued to women since 1963.
The news appeared in A3Media‘s Ponle Freno initiative and received a lot of organic coverage, essential for SEO.
The method of as a PR agency focuses on the usefulness of the content for editorial teams.
I made the following analysis for a dating website, check it out:

Since it’s a website for finding a partner, I thought it would be fun to find out which cities have the highest chances of finding a match.
To do this, I compared census data of men and women in all municipalities in Spain.
And look, Diario AS picked it up with a dofollow link. It got dozens of articles, some with a link and many others as added organic coverage.
This can be done with any type of organization, so don’t forget to request a quote at
The important thing is that the content is useful.
With this client, something very interesting happened.
I did an analysis on which nationalities we were most often matched with. It was featured on The Objective, but with a twist:

The nationality with which Spaniards most frequently pair up is Moroccan.
And even though the analysis was only distributed in Spain, Moroccan media also picked up the news:

The literal translation according to AI is: Spanish Report: Moroccans Lead the List of Foreign Nationalities Preferred by Spaniards for Relationships.
My client informed me that suddenly they were receiving traffic from Morocco 😃
I’m going to show you more examples, look:
The following article was published in Marca for a comparison website.

In this case, I calculated the average speeds of Tour de France cyclists over the years.
With this client, I got over 300 pieces of added organic coverage in a year and dozens of white hat backlinks.
The following analysis comes from a survey about interest in watching the Eurocup.

It was during the time when the Super League was being discussed.
Some clients ask me if a link in regional press has the same impact as one in national press.
Check the domain authority of the main regional news websites. You might be surprised.
I came up with the idea of calculating how much it would cost to attend all the matches of a football team in person. I did this for a sports comparison website.

Many SEO experts overlook the importance of added organic coverage, but it’s crucial.
While everyone’s chasing after links, the truth is Google also values coverage without them to determine if they’re white hat links.
Get ready to do a bit of scrolling 😊
Check out this campaign: over 200 media appearances across Spain for a photography contest.

It was a huge campaign.
These success stories from are all about organic coverage.
Some of them even include white hat dofollow links.
In the following example, I managed to get a link in the Yo, Dona website.

Actually, doing digital PR isn’t all that different from traditional PR.
It’s just good old-fashioned public relations, really.
That’s why offers PR agency services in Spain.
While I do adapt the strategy to be ‘digital’, at the end of the day, it’s still the same old public relations.
I’ve worked with organizations of all kinds. For instance, with the largest union in the UK.

I’m sure you’re wondering if does these things for itself.
Of course! I’ve already shown you some examples above.
Look, this one made it to the front page of The Objective:

I calculated, using microdata from the National Spanish Sociology Institute CIS, the general political sentiment of Spaniards according to their region of residence.

I’ve also worked with several cultural initiatives.
This article is from the launch of a novel:

A cultural company, a client of, launched the following initiative to support the sector during the 2020 lockdown.

I obtained the next piece for a short film festival that focused on female directors.
This picture is from one of the participating short films.
It was a very informative article because it included statistics about the number of female movie directors, etc.

Usefulness is key. The following piece appeared in Libertad Digital.
It’s an analysis I conducted on the most common formations used by football teams (4-4-2, 3-4-3, etc).
I made it for a sports comparison website.

This is myself on Televisión Canaria discussing a study on how happier Spaniards are when they live with their partners.

The study was published in the Antena 3 website too.

I conducted this study for a dating website.
I’m not including radio placements because they’re not as visually appealing as those with pictures.
However, this is myself on Onda Cero Madrid and Aragón Radio (in Spanish).
Announcing an opening or the launch of a new product are some common services of a PR agency.
This is the launch of an art gallery that sells affordable artworks. Also a client of

I feel somewhat attached to the next piece because it reports the acquittal of a client’s website. The website had been accused and was subject to a legal process.

Sometimes I’ve also collaborated with charitable initiatives.
The next case study is about a hospitality entrepreneur who gives away Christmas Eve dinners to the most disadvantaged.
It was covered by Telemadrid, LaSexta, RTVE Canal 24h, and others.

Next is a video game review for an’s client. It’s on RetroFlama’s YouTube channel:
The next articles were published as a result of my work with a Professional Psychologist Association:

I hold the next piece with great care, since it was published in El País Retina:

The following PR agency case study in Spain is about a cosmetics brand.
This article was published on Vanity Fair:

Did you know that there are media outlets that cover news about packaging?

I conducted the following study for a sports comparison website, and it received extensive coverage nationwide.
It’s about the decline in the local economy due to restrictions on football visitors during the COVID pandemic.

We did many interesting stories with this client. For example, we calculated how much a gold Olympic medal costs according to its weight.

We created appealing and groundbreaking content that’s useful for the media. The next piece was published on ABC de Córdoba.

Or how long it takes to do the wave in every stadium, like the one featured on Diario del Altoaragón, among others.

Málaga CF supporters should be proud of their team!

Let’s see some pieces of coverage of the most important short film festival in Spain.
170+ news websites covered information about finalists and winners (plus some radio and TV stations).
To achieve this, I created two strategies: one for national media and another one for regional media.

Regional press usually has a slightly different treatment.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is for the PR agency to generate useful content for journalists.
It’s something that organizations often overlook, and that’s why most PR strategies end up falling flat.
The method is based on the usefulness of information for news pages.
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Pablo Gracia is‘s owner. He’s been working with media outlets, institutions and press offices for over 20 years.
Services by – PR Agency in Spain can manage any of the three core pillars on which current communication is based on:

Become newsworthy in newspapers, radio, TV, and online
Create positive opinions towards your brand and enhance your reputation
Influence your audience’s purchasing decisions
SEO articles that rank high
These are some examples of SEO content that rank very well on Google. All of them are clients.

Clients – PR Agency in Spain
The PR Agency in Spain,, has collaborated with a diverse range of clients, some of which presented significant challenges. Nevertheless, their campaigns have proven to be successful.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
What is a PR agency in Spain?
A PR agency is a company that specializes in working with and conveying the external messages of any organization. To do so, it uses various channels such as media outlets, the client’s website, their social media platforms, and other marketing tools.
What services does a PR agency offer?
The main services offered by a PR agency include press office services, creation of SEO web content, social media management, and other marketing solutions.
How much does a PR agency cost?
The price range that a PR agency may charge varies between 1,000 and 8,000 euros, depending on the type of work required by the client.
How to hire a PR agency?
Each agency operates differently. However, it is common for the client to explain their needs, agree to a budget, and sign a service agreement issued by the agency.
How to work with a PR agency in Spain?
The most common thing is for agencies to use email as a means of communication with their clients. This communication is regularly done, possibly on an almost daily basis.
In these emails, agencies and clients discuss which press releases will be launched, which articles are being written, which posts will be published, how a specific action has performed, last-minute changes, ideas for future actions, and any other daily topic.
What is the difference between communication and advertising?
These two terms are often confused, but they are actually two different things.
A communication agency focuses on working with a message, but it does not control the final outcome of the coverage, and their work appears as content.
An advertising agency does have direct control over the message because there is a financial contract with the media outlet, and their work appears as an advertisement.
Does a PR agency help to sell more?
The goal of a PR agency is not to sell more. However, the work they do could potentially lead to an increase in the client’s sales. Their function is to improve the visibility of the client’s organization and how it is perceived by the general public.

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